Tuesday, March 4, 2014

DIY Wire and Bead Nest Necklaces

Well, I am ready for spring and it has felt like it for the past few weeks here. Warm days with every other day getting rain. It has been wonderful.

I planted tomatoes, peppers, and onions and they are in the kitchen window sprouting. At least, I hope they are. Spring really can't be too far off.

Well, here is a craft that you can do that also celebrates a symbol of the season - a nest with eggs. I taught my 10 and 11 year-old girls from church how to do these for Mother's Day last year. They are very simple. The girls wove in the number of bead 'eggs' that their mothers had kids. It was a fun activity and their mothers loved them.



Light weight, flexible wire (20 gauge is what I used)
Egg shaped beads with holes big enough for your wire to go through (my beads were about twice the size of seed beads -1/4 inch or so)
Either leatherette stringing or a necklace chain 

There are a variety of wires to choose from.

These are beads and wire I used today.

 How to: 


Take the end of your wire and roll it loosely around the end of a finger. Take it off and twist the coil on one end like you are opening a lid. This will tighten the wires into a bottom for the nest. Roll and twist more wire around the nest until you like how full it is. Bend and shape and experiment.

Close the bottom of the coil by twisting it.

Cut off your wire leaving about 8 inches to work with while you 'sew' your eggs into the nest.
slide a bead down the wire and into the nest. Poke the wire through the bottom or side of the nest and pull the wire tight, adjusting the bead to fit into the nest as you do so.

Bring the wire around the edge of the nest and put on another bead. Stitch it into the nest as before. Continue until your nest is as full as you would like it to be.

Stitching in the eggs into the wire nest.
Finish the necklace by tucking the wire in and out several times and giving it a kink so that it will not loosen. Be careful to tuck the stray wire ends into the nest so that they don't poke a neck.

Pull out a wire on the back and thread leatherette cord or a necklace chain through.

Now wasn't that easy?

My finished necklace with my four eggs.

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