Thursday, March 6, 2014

I Love My Local Grocery Store - Mint S'mores

It is strange to think that I actually enjoy grocery shopping. Once I get out and do it.

I still hate going out and I put off all my trips into one big fandango, but the grocery store is awesome. I usually save it for last. Last the best and all that. I know that sounds weird. 

I have been shopping there for over 13 years now and have learned some names. The guy who runs the front desk at the store used to be a checker and he liked to sing happy songs while he checked. It was awesome. We talked while he rang me up and he has tropical fish and a son named Damian who also used to check at the store. When I go in I can ask him about them and he is always almost honored that I remember and that I ask. He fills me in. His last few new fish have disappeared. One of the other fish is obviously a cannibal but he hasn't figured out who yet. And, yes, I know the man's name.

Then there is the sweet little checker I try to find if she is there. She always seems so cheerful. Last time I went through her line she came around to help me uncart my groceries. I asked her how she was doing and she gave me a half-hearted okay. When I said she wasn't very convincing, she burst into tears and, while she didn't go into details, she shared some of what was happening in her life and I got to give her a hug.

Then there is the young man who started as a checker about four years ago. He was good looking and happy when I went through his line. So I tried to set him up with my daughter. I know, I am soo weird. He and my daughter thought so too. I gave him my daughter's number and the next time I saw him I asked if he had called. "No. Someone threw the paper away when they cleared off the register".

"That is really too bad. Here it is again." This time I tucked the paper into his suit coat pocket. He was dressed up for the storewide Halloween party and was stationed right by the front doors handing out treats. He could not escape. I really was having too much fun making him uncomfortable. Three times I gave him her number.

He is obviously one of those people who looks at what could go wrong instead of what could go right. Because he never called. I mean, who wouldn't want a crazy mother-in-law like me?

That young man is in charge of the dairy section now and I am pretty sure he runs to the back where they stock the milk just to hide when he sees me. It makes me chuckle. I really am evil. I still call him by name every chance I get and ask how things are in his hometown. He gave me far too much information. I love to see him squirm. He truly missed out though. The daughter is fabulous. (more about her below). And she has been married for over a year and a half. But don't tell him. It is just too fun to rattle his chain.

Back to why I love the store. I shop the pop aisle often enough that the Pepsi stocker always pulls out a special coupon for my husband's Mt. Dew addiction when he is there and sees me. It pays to be friendly. These are the really good coupons - like the ones he gives his mother.

They don't ask my name at the pharmacy - they just go get my phoned-in prescription and bring it to the window - and then the pharmacist asks how my daughter is doing. (yep, that daughter) She worked as a technician there for a summer and is now a pharmacist herself.

So, anyway, yesterday I decided I wanted to get a treat as a thank-you gift for people who were helping me with a church meeting that night. I went to the candy aisle and stood there pondering. "What cute little saying could I put with that candy? Would the ladies like those?"

I was a little perplexed. One of the young men walked by in his store apron and asked if I was doing okay. "Yeah," I replied.

He walked by again five minutes later and I was still standing there pondering.

"Are you finding everything you need?"

"I am doing this thing and I have helpers and I want to give them something good as a thank you."

"Oh, that's easy. Mints are always good," he said pointing to the bags of mint patties.

My head churned out a "just mint to thank you" message in my head and it was instantly decided. Love that boy nice young man!

Then, as an afterthought he added, "And they make the best s'mores."

Skeptical me: "REALLY?"

"Oh, yeah. The dark chocolate and the mint and the marshmallow. Ohhhh! So much better than plain and even better than the ones people are making with peanut butter cups."

I nodded like I knew people were making s'mores with peanut butter cups. Who knew?

So, loaded to the top with 10 bags of mint patties and a gallon of milk, I headed to the check stand. The kid nice, young man who had helped me had relocated to right in front of the line I was heading through.

"He made me do it!" I stammered to the checker, while pointing at the lad. "He is the one who made me look like a junk-food addict." He seemed proud.

Well, I got home and slapped a Just Mint to Thank You label on those bags and was ready to go.

But something kept nagging at me. Mint s'mores. It just kept running through my brain and making my mouth water. And, I had time, so I went back to the store and picked up graham crackers and marshmallows, lots of marshmallows. I do have a tendency toward compulsive.

We had these tonight for dessert to check it out.

Everyone thought they were good. I was surprised.

A single gift
The pile of gifts

 So, to make s'mores without a fire or grill here is what you do.

Put graham crackers tightly together on a baking dish. I was making four full size s'mores so I used four crackers. Then lay marshmallows across the top of the graham crackers - about two and a half marshmallows per cracker.

Put the dish in the oven at 350 degrees for about five minutes until the marshmallows get soft and start to plump up. Then switch the oven to high broil and give them about a minute more. Watch them closely and pull them out when they start to lightly brown on top.
Ready for the oven
 Once they are a little toasty, pull them out of the oven and turn off the heat. Quickly lay 14 unwrapped mint patties over the marshmallows. Place the pan back in the oven to melt the patties ever so slightly - less than a minute.

Melty and toasty
 Then put crackers on top and squish just enough to make them stick together.  Let me know what you think about them and I will let the kid at the store know. Unless you don't like them. Then I will keep it to myself. He is a nice kid. Wouldn't want to hurt his feelings. We're, like, old friends.

Gooey, Melty Mint S'mores


  1. once again.. not only a spectacular idea.. but reading about it kept a smile on my face. You really should write a book. :)

    1. Thanks, Shelly. Quite the store. Good idea, those mint s'mores. They weren't half bad. Hope they gave that young man a raise. I spent a lot of money that day.

    2. HA ha you called me shelly lol.. sounds funny coming from you. :)

    3. Just trying to keep up the internet persona. Aren't we all just using fake names and fake personas when we get on the net? I am pretty sure I would never call you Shelly to your face!
