Saturday, February 15, 2014

Here is an Introduction

     A lady at church once actually called me eccentric. Out loud. To my face. Where other people could hear her.
     I was flattered.

    I am Bea Tew. Pronounced B2 - like the Bingo space. If you just do the first name and last initial I am BeaT. If my middle name was Uriah, then I'd be BUTT (my maiden name started with a T - a long German thing that was hard to spell). But my parents didn't give their daughters middle names.
     Too bad.

    And this is why I am B2 'at random'.

    I have a little of my artist grandmother's creativity in me, a little of my dad's writer in me, a little of one grandfather's love of nature, a little of my other grandfather's persistent optimism, and some of my father-in-law's wondering about the world in scientific terms. (How did that happen?)

    But, I have none of the math from my rocket scientist (yes, he really is) husband. And that's okay with me.

    I graduated from high school with 36 other people. Then I went on to attend five universities and had six declared majors. I ended up with a master's degree in fun and games. No kidding. Recreation, they call it. My emphasis was outdoor recreation, tourism, and interpretation.

    I have four nearly grown children, all very unique from each other and the world. All brilliant and curious and constantly learning. Guess we did something right.

    Welcome to my random and eccentric world. Hope you enjoy the ride. It might get bumpy.


  1. I love it!! This is awesome, I love to read what you write, you have a way with words. :)

    1. A way with words, huh? A weird and random way . . . Hope you can follow the brain. Glad you are happy so far.

  2. On Bea? I love the laughter you bring into my social media life!!! It is happy.

    1. Happy is the only way to Bea. : ) I know, I am 2 silly. Glad I can make you laugh.
